The chickens are growing. After a couple of issues I am down to 14 and they are about 3 lbs at 4 weeks old.

Meanwhile the garden is doing well. Harvested a basket of peppers today and hope to get a few more for Saturday's Farmer's market this evening.
A cold front has come in and is giving everthing a chill. It will be in the 40's the next few nights but the high is the low 70's which means I can get work done in the yard in the middle of the day! Still a major lack of rain. :( At least the heat is not as bad.
Meanwhile it is war with the squirrels again. I planted seeds in a new flowerbed for some lettuce and am finding spinach seedlings dug up just from their random digging. It is bad enough they do it in the lawn, I just wish they would leave my raised beds alone. Plus the birds have found the peppers so there is bird netting over the peppers that are changing color. Nothing more dissapointing they seeing a beautifully colored pepper from a distance just to find bird holes in it.
Meanwhile it is war with the squirrels again. I planted seeds in a new flowerbed for some lettuce and am finding spinach seedlings dug up just from their random digging. It is bad enough they do it in the lawn, I just wish they would leave my raised beds alone. Plus the birds have found the peppers so there is bird netting over the peppers that are changing color. Nothing more dissapointing they seeing a beautifully colored pepper from a distance just to find bird holes in it.