So I wasn't expecting a lot of excitment on day 2 of the chickens. Well, the first part was my fault. I didn't get the chicken coop latched very well and when I got home today they were in the backyard! (Verses the side yard that the coop is in.) Well, some gentle manuvering and they were back in the coop but not very happy about it. Then I noticed they broke their lower roost bar, again. So I decided it would be a good time to fix it. This requires me to take the roof off. I had just fixed the roost bar and one flew out of the coop. Arghh. So I gently tried to get her back it when she decided that the roof would be better! Now I have a chicken on the roof in the city. Well, I decided to engage the help of my roommate (who had just moved in yesterday) and she got on the roof to coax the bird down. Well the bird thought the neighbors tree was a better idea. Then she flew down to the ground. I knew the neighbors where not home and there was hole in the fence so I got in their yard and caught the chicken. (Much easier than a turkey I admit, never could quite catch a wild turkey, though I have been close.)
So chicken caught and put back in the pen and they are all roosting happily for the night. So much for the idea of letting them free range the side yard. At least not until their wing feathers are clipped back.
So that is the adventure of the great chicken escape and recapture.
I guess it was in honor of independence day.