Ok, we have had herbs and tomatoes, now Squash. I have four varieties of zuchinni and two of them in this bed. Though zuchinni doesn't really lend itself to being trellised there is still a 4 ft high trellis allong the long width (8ft) of the bed. I am tying up the zephyr squash (mainly to keep them off the beans and the other zuchinni (not sure of the variety, bought it at a nursery) I am trying to get to spill over the side of the raised bed. I few bush beans just for fun and hopefully will get some more space for the peppers when they are finished. Along with some 'razzleberry tomatoes.' They are pink instead of red when ripe and the seeds came free with my seed order so I thought why not.
Here is the tally.
6- zuchinni (regular green type)
6- zephyr squash
4- sweet basil plants
4 - razzleberry tomatoes
30 - bush bean plants (I planted 36 seeds, not 100% sure how many came up but they take up 4 sq ft and they are supposed to be 9/sq ft.)
4- Gypsy Hybrid pepper
4-Tango Hybrid pepper
I haven't decided what to do when the bush beans finish yet, it will depend on what is available for transplants at the nursery or if I can get organized in the next month what I want to start with seeds in the garage.
Here is the tally.
6- zuchinni (regular green type)
6- zephyr squash
4- sweet basil plants
4 - razzleberry tomatoes
30 - bush bean plants (I planted 36 seeds, not 100% sure how many came up but they take up 4 sq ft and they are supposed to be 9/sq ft.)
4- Gypsy Hybrid pepper
4-Tango Hybrid pepper
I haven't decided what to do when the bush beans finish yet, it will depend on what is available for transplants at the nursery or if I can get organized in the next month what I want to start with seeds in the garage.
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