Thursday, July 1, 2010

Harvesting by candlelight?

Well, due to the clouds and the promise of rain meant no watering (hopefully) but in case we got a bunch of rain I needed to harvest at least tomatoes so they wouldn't split. But I needed to leave the house by 6:45am so I got out my camping headlamp (modern candlelight) and went to harvesting. Mainly cucumbers and tomatoes and the last spaghetti squash but I did fill my harvest bucket half full. The baby squash plants are coming along well with first true leaves and the corn will be harvest this afternoon or tomorrow and see if there is anything worth selling at farmers on saturday (depending on weather.) If is raining or likely to rain I will not be going just due to the nature of the wood products, decreased attendence and there is alot more stuff I can be doing. I will be having ceramic products soon so keep a eye out at the end of the month. It depends on the firing schedule of the studio but I plan to make this month a major ceramic month vs. the wood. (Let someone else pay for the air conditioning.)

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