Thursday, July 8, 2010

The latest pic (sorry for the quality)

Well, here is the latest. It was in the evening so it is a little blurry. The plant in the front on the left in the cucumber monstrosity. On the right front there is the peppers with their new stakes (cut up extra fence boards.) The higest ones in the back come up to my chin.
Then the stuff in the back are the tomatoes which I think I will be taking down this weekend. I can seem to get rid of the spider mites so I just need to start over. Clear the plants, prep the soil and rest it a little before starting over again. I might even take out or move the eggplant so I can readjust the trellis to the back, vs. the middle, before the new planting.
Lots to do in the next few weeks. August starts the fall garden planting so it will get a bit crazy again.

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